New Threshold Level for Cannabis
threshold level for cannabis following consideration of the many
submissions received from stakeholders during the Code review process.
At its May 11 meeting WADA’s Executive Committee decided to increase the threshold level for cannabis following consideration of the many submissions received from stakeholders during the Code review process.
Accordingly, the Technical Document on Decision Limits for the Confirmatory Quantification of Threshold Substances (TD2013DL) has been revised to reflect the applicable modifications affecting compliance decisions for Carboxy-THC.
Version 2.0 of the TD2013DL is effective as of May 11, 2013, and can be found on WADA’s Web site.
All samples received by laboratories post-May 11 will be subject to the new threshold level.
As a matter of fairness and to provide consistency, WADA advises not to pursue cases currently in the results management phase where the reported concentration is less than the new threshold (150 ng/mL).
Also, for any analyses conducted from May 11 onwards, laboratories are requested not to report any THC case result below the acceptable threshold, regardless of the sample receipt date.